Media Literacy & Future Studies
© Fiona Slapota
© Fiona Slapota
Media Literacy & Future Studies
Train-the-Faculty Workshop
Our first Train-the-Faculty Workshop (TtF) in the series of workshops that will follow took place at the University of Social Sciences and Humanities in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, from July 25th until August 5th. The main topics for this workshop were Media Literacy and Future Studies, led by Thomas A. Bauer (University of Vienna) and Rainer Peraus (Youtopia Group, Vienna).
During the two weeks of the workshop we developed a common understanding of Media Literacy and the differences in media systems among the partner countries. Many discussions in smaller groups lead to a variety of new ideas how to connect between the institutions and countries as well as establishing ideas for new projects and programs relating to Media Literacy, understood as possibilities to change the future.
In general the TtF workshops of the project should help to realize two things: first of all, we should meet people from other countries and cultures to get a better understanding for each other without trying to make them the same and second, we need to realize the possibilities that lie within this diversity. To do so every workshop has a special issue, and so this one tries to combine Media Literacy, understood as a way to see societies through their media and their internal communication structures that shape these modern societies, and the way to think about future not only as a continuum of past and present but as thinking that can be actively thought and shaped.
So generally speaking the workshop should help us to build ideas of bridges between the different project teams, universities and societies to make our work together more tangible and in consequence hopefully more meaningful for everyone, especially for the societal systems we all came from.
For more information about the Train-the-Faculty Workshop Media Literacy & Future Studies in Ho Chi Minh City, please download the following programme:
Programme for the Train-the-Faculty-Workshop in Ho Chi Minh City
File size: 498 kB