E-Learning Training
After the completion of the Delphi Study at the MEDLIT Delphi Study - Final Conference in Hanoi, the next work package will be started by its lead, Dr. Marlies Bitter-Rijpkema (OUNL). With the results and insights of the Delphi Study important puzzle parts were uncovered, that will lay the foundation for the MOOC on "Media Empowerment & Responsibility", which will be the central aspect of the 2nd year of the MEDLIT project.
To shape a shared understanding and knowledge of MOOC creation two parallel workshops are planned - one in order to train lecturers and one to train technicians on collaborative MOOC development. To enforce the collaboration and achieve synergies these two training workshop happen together between March 6 and March 10, 2017. The workshop will take place in Kotha Baru, Malaysia, at the University Malaysia Kelantan.
Five lecturers and three technicians of every Asian partner university will participate in the workshops. The workshops' goal is to create a knowledge transfer about didactic principles and have discussions about known challenges and build a shared knowledge base about common university software systems and programming in the field of E-Learning.