Media Emancipation

Train-the-Faculty Workshop 


Our next Train-the-Faculty Workshop on Media Emancipation in Vienna aims the question of how to handle the new media players, different to media institutions like newspapers, TV and radio. During the two weeks between May, 10-22, our central partner will be OKTO (, a community TV station, supported by the City of Vienna. Thomas A. Bauer, the Scientific Coordinator of the Project, is head of the publisher board of OKTO. But the editors and journalists are regular people, interested in different topics, coming together in communities to produce and disseminate their content via this channel.
Our goal with this workshop is to connect five invited people from each of our partner institutions with these communities, so they can produce content together and especially discuss questions of new responsibilities that (may) arise from such different production structures. 

Beside this experience, our goal for these two intensive weeks is to produce content for our planned MOOC (Massive Open Online Course), which is a big pillar in our project, in order to reflect this new phenomenon and introduce the workshop participants to some other Austrian communication and media structures.